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Factors That Should Affect the Intensity of Your Workouts

Have you ever wondered if you’re working out harder and more intensely than you should? Certain factors or circumstances should lower the intensity of your workouts to make sure that you’re avoiding injury and keeping yourself healthy. Here are a few factors that should affect the intensity of your workout. 


First, if you’re injured, that should affect the intensity of your workout. Your workouts should focus on strengthening the rest of your body and enable you to recover more quickly. If you work out too intensely, you could strain the injured part of your body, increasing your recovery time and making your injury even worse. There are lots of great types of workouts you can participate in while you’re injured. 

For example, you can use exercise bands for stretching and resistance training. You can also work out using stationary bikes and swimming pools. Even just walking long distances and doing stairs can help you to raise your heart rate and get in some good exercise without injuring yourself again.

Health Conditions

Next, certain health conditions should also affect the intensity of your workout. For example, if you have asthma, you might not want to push yourself beyond your limits, as that could cause an asthma attack. However, finding enjoyable ways to exercise can help you to stay healthy and be less affected by your asthma. 

Pregnancy is another health condition that should affect the way you exercise. Doing light exercise during pregnancy is better for keeping your stress low. It can also help you to have an easier, healthier pregnancy as it can reduce symptoms of constipation, back pain, bloating, and insomnia. 


Finally, if you’re experiencing sickness, that should also affect the way that you exercise. Working out too intensely while you’re sick can actually prolong your symptoms of sickness. Make sure that you reduce the length and intensity of your workout when you’re sick. For example, if you usually go on a long run, try going on a long, easier walk instead. Doing some kind of exercise can boost your immune system when you’re suffering from a cold. Make sure that you’re aware of your symptoms and how they could worsen after a workout. If you’re nauseous or having chest pain, you should probably wait to work out until you’re feeling better. 

So, if you’re wondering how you should work out when you’re not feeling your best, remember this article. If you’re injured, experiencing a health condition, or sick, you should adjust your workout routine accordingly. This will help you to stay healthy while your physical state is a little more delicate than usual.
Check out these fitness classes you can join in groups!