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What to Know About Exercising When You’re Pregnant

Becoming pregnant is a major change in your life. There is pretty much no realm of your world that will remain untouched by your pregnancy, all of which means a lot of adjustment, change, and going with the flow to make it all work out. When you exercise during pregnancy (which you should be doing) you are going to want to come at it with a new approach and considerations given your pregnancy. So, what is exercising like while pregnant? Here are three things that you need to know about exercising when you are pregnant for a safe and healthy pregnancy

What Exercises to Try

The first thing that you need to know about exercising when you are pregnant is what exercises you should try when you are pregnant. You aren’t going to be able to do every type of exercise during your pregnancy. As your belly grows and you get later into your pregnancy, you will need to go less intense and give yourself more grace through your exercise. Yoga is great for pregnancy as it can be very gentle and low impact. So is walking, stretching, and other low-impact forms of safe exercise.

Take it Easy

Another crucial thing to know about exercising when you are pregnant is that it is okay and actually safer when you take it easy. This can be a difficult tip if you are someone who really loves the gym and exercise, but while pregnant, it needs to take a backseat. Working out too hard will only add to your stress if you’re pregnant. Stick to doing exercises that get you moving, get you some exercise, and leave you and your body in a safe and supported place. Exercising while pregnant should leave you feeling better than when you started, not worse.

How Often to Exercise

The final thing you should know about exercising when you are pregnant is how often you should be exercising. While some people believe that you should exercise significantly less than usual when pregnant, this is usually only the case for serious athletes. You should still be exercising for about thirty minutes every single day doing light intensity exercise throughout your pregnancy. This will allow you to get your body moving during your pregnancy.

Everything changes when you are pregnant, and exercise is no different. There are a lot of question marks around exercising while pregnant. Know these three things, and you are ready to exercise through your pregnancy.

Check out this article on what you can do when you are not seeing progress at the gym!